All Fees Will Be Reveled at the Beginning of Your Case, Credit Cards are Accepted
Typically some of the most common questions when being charged are concerning the possibility of jail and how much you will be charged in fees. However, these are important questions to ask because finding yourself on the receiving end of a crime is unintended expense that needs to be thought about.
When facing smaller cases, such as driving 20 mph over the speed limit, the fees are typically under a thousand.
As with most things, the price depends on the services provided, with more serious cases the fees will naturally be higher. During a first meeting the attorney taking your case will be able to review the facts and give you an up front price for all the work that will be done. There are no hidden fees here. Prices will typically include: the evidence against you, the police report, the work required, and how many court days it will take to resolve your case.
However, here are some approximate fees for some of our more common cases:
- Reckless Driving: $500 – $1000
- Driving While License is Suspended: $500 – $1000
- Non-Criminal Vehicle Violations: $500
- Typical DUIs: $1000 – $2000
- Felony DUI (3rd offense): $2500+
- Bond Hearings: up to $1000
- Typical Misdemeanor Charge: $750-$1500
- Felony: $2500-$10000
- Violent Felony: $5000 and up
The firm offers reasonable fees for the amount of work that it will take to get you the best results possible. The Virginia DUI attorney at the Law Offices of Michael A. Pignone will never sacrifice quality for quantity.
Defense Against DUI and Criminal Traffic Offenses
The firm is a premier firm regarding criminal and drunk driving offense because it is their exclusive practice area. Other DUI lawyers in VA who do not exclusively handle these kinds of matters can end up costing you hundreds of dollars, the loss of your license, or other negative consequences. It is important to know who you are working with.
Receive the Virginia DUI attorney you deserve, contact the firm today.
Facts about The Firm
- Fees are based on the seriousness of the charges (felony vs misdemeanor) and the amount of work/court days that will be necessary.
- Typically flat fees are enforced to minimize surprise fees.
- Credit cards are accepted.
- Payment plans are available for special cases.
- We take cases from across the state, if it is within reason there are no extra charges for us traveling.