When you get careless behind the wheel, there will be a lot of consequences. However, you can recover from a bad driving record and heavy litigation with your reckless driving lawyer. Through their support, they can help improve your driving record and reduce reckless driving charges if you were penalized unfairly. Reckless driving offenses should always be taken seriously, however, sometimes the police officer misjudged the situation. Reckless driving convictions can have a major negative impact on your future. Let our Manassas reckless driving lawyer protect your rights.

Before you get reckless driving charges that result in a criminal record, your Manassas reckless driving attorney can review your case and represent you. Whether you had a simple speeding ticket or a criminal misdemeanor, they will be on your side. Call the Law Offices of Mike Pignone today for a consultation to speak to a Manassas traffic violations lawyer.

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What is Considered Reckless Driving in Virginia?

In Virginia, reckless driving is defined as driving a vehicle in a manner that endangers the life, limb, or property of any person. Some specific actions that may be considered reckless driving include driving 20 mph or more over the posted speed limit, driving too fast for road or traffic conditions, racing other vehicles, passing a school bus while it is loading or unloading passengers, and driving with faulty brakes or other equipment. Reckless driving is a serious traffic violation in Virginia and can result in significant fines, license suspension, and even jail time, depending on the circumstances.

Photo of Reckless Driving

Penalties For Reckless Driving in Virginia

In Virginia, the penalties for reckless driving vary depending on the severity of the offense. Penalties according to the degree of offense include the following:

Reckless Driving as a Class 1 Misdemeanor

This is the most serious level of reckless driving and is charged when a driver is found to have operated their vehicle in a manner that endangers life, limb, or property. Penalties can include fines up to $2,500, a jail sentence of up to 12 months, and a driver’s license suspension for up to six months.              

Reckless Driving for Speeding

Offenses such as these are charged when a driver is caught driving 20 mph or more over the posted speed limit, or driving in excess of 80 mph regardless of the posted speed limit. Penalties can include fines up to $2,500, a jail sentence of up to 12 months, and a driver’s license suspension for up to six months.

Reckless Driving for Improper Control

A reckless driving for improper control offense is charged when a driver is found to have driven too fast for the conditions present on the road, such as in inclement weather or on a winding road. Penalties can include fines up to $2,500 and a driver’s license suspension for up to six months.

Reckless Driving for Passing a School Bus

This offense is charged when a driver passes a school bus that is stopped to load or unload passengers. Penalties can include fines up to $250 and a driver’s license suspension for up to six months.                     

Reckless Driving for Faulty Brakes

These offenses are charged when a driver operates a vehicle with faulty brakes or other equipment. Also, they can include fines of up to $250 and a driver’s license suspension for up to six months.

Common Questions and Answers for Manassas Reckless Driving Cases

If you have been arrested for reckless driving, you likely have many questions for a Manassas reckless driving lawyer. A reckless driving charge is not something you want on your record and understanding reckless driving laws can help you know the next steps to take. Before you engage a Manassas reckless driving lawyer from our law firm in a free initial consultation, we have listed some common questions and answers for reckless driving cases in Virginia:

What is reckless driving in Virginia?

Reckless driving in Virginia is defined as driving a vehicle in a manner that endangers the life, limb, or property of any person. In Prince William County, reckless driving laws reflect those of the state. This traffic offense can create a blemish on your reputation with a criminal record. It goes beyond an ordinary traffic ticket since it involves the criminal justice system. If your driving behavior caused you to receive a reckless driving charge, make sure you speak with a Manassas reckless driving attorney to create a strong defense strategy on your behalf. 

In order to be charged for this violation, it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that you were the person behind the wheel at the time, that your speed was at least 20 mph over the posted limit, and that you endangered lives or property. 

What are some examples of reckless driving?

Some examples of reckless driving in Virginia include speeding more than 20 mph over the posted speed limit, driving too fast for road or traffic conditions, racing other vehicles, passing a school bus while it is loading or unloading passengers, and driving with faulty brakes or other faulty equipment.    

These may seem a bit obvious but many people do not realize that driving two vehicles abreast in a single lane is also considered reckless driving behavior. Failing to signal a turn, being reckless while driving in a parking lot, and driving with an obstructed view could also result in these charges. Additionally, driving too fast for the road conditions is another common reason you may get pulled over and have these charges applied. If youโ€™re not sure what you did that could be deemed reckless, it is imperative that you speak with our Manassas reckless driving lawyers to get the defense you need. 

What are the penalties for reckless driving in Virginia?

The penalties for reckless driving in Virginia can include fines up to $2,500, jail time of up to 12 months, and a driver’s license suspension for up to six months. The severity of the penalty will depend on the circumstances of the case.   

There are also aggravating factors that a police officer may cite at the time of your arrest. For example, you may be charged with aggressive driving with the intent to injure another person. In this scenario, you may also be required to attend and successfully complete an aggressive driving education program. 

If you were racing, this is also an enhanced penalty. You will want to speak with a Manassas reckless driving attorney because this goes beyond improper driving, often resulting in the suspension of your license for six months to two years.

If you are accused of racing and it leads to the injury or death of another person, the consequences become even more severe. Instead of a traffic ticket being your biggest worry, you will now face felony charges with a mandatory sentence of one to twenty years along with losing your license for up to one year or more than three years.

Can I go to jail for reckless driving in Virginia?

Jail time is a possible penalty for reckless driving in Virginia, particularly for more serious offenses such as reckless driving as a Class 1 misdemeanor. For example, a DUI can result in this.ย ย ย ย ย 

Our Manassas reckless driving lawyers can help you by filing pre-trial motions to suppress evidence or negotiate for lesser charges. Depending on your unique circumstances, a Manassas reckless driving lawyer can prove your innocence and challenge that this event did not happen; for example, if you were not the person behind the wheel.

With a criminal defense attorney, it may be possible to prove that another driver in an accident scenario was the one who was reckless on the roads of Prince William County. There is likely to be a lack of evidence that prosecutors have against you. Our reckless driving lawyers can help get the case dismissed if the prosecution doesnโ€™t have any significant proof of illegal actions. 

Should I hire a lawyer for my reckless driving case?

A lawyer can help you understand your legal options, build a strong defense, and negotiate with the prosecutor to possibly reduce or dismiss the charges. Your Manasses criminal defense lawyer can explain more.

What most Virginia drivers do not realize is that they all have rights. A police officer must have reasonable suspicion to make a traffic stop. Even if they do notice anything that would warrant pulling you over, they must follow proper procedure. When you consult a Manassas reckless driving lawyer, they can analyze everything according to the law and determine if your rights were violated. 

You should understand that you canโ€™t get out of these charges without the help of a reckless driving lawyer. Attempting to do so may give the prosecution more evidence to use against you and compromise your freedom. If you are accused of reckless driving, you will find that it is worth it to hire a lawyer in Prince William County.

Can I plead guilty to a lesser charge instead of reckless driving?

Your attorney can possibly negotiate a plea deal with the prosecutor to plead guilty to a lesser charge instead of reckless driving. Our Manassas reckless driving attorneys will try to get an improper driving charge, which is a three-point infraction that also carries a fine. There are other defense strategies that we can use to help you avoid the most severe consequences. 

Can I get my reckless driving charge expunged from my record?

In Virginia, reckless driving is a criminal offense and cannot be expunged from your record. It will remain on your record permanently. Your Virginia criminal defense attorney can help. It is best to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced lawyer from our law firm to learn more about your rights and legal options. 

Can I lose my license for reckless driving in Virginia?

You can lose your license for reckless driving in Virginia. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the judge may order a driver’s license suspension for up to six months. Working with a Manassas reckless driving lawyer can help you as they will work to protect your legal rights while minimizing the impacts the charges can have on your future. 

Will a reckless driving conviction affect my insurance rates?

A conviction for reckless driving can significantly impact your insurance rates. Insurance companies may consider reckless driving a major violation and could raise your rates or even cancel your policy. While a traffic ticket can also cause your rates to rise, it usually does not require an attorney. Let us fight for your freedom by building a solid defense to your case. 

Can an out-of-state driver be charged with reckless driving in Virginia?

Out-of-state drivers can be charged with reckless driving in Virginia if they commit the offense while driving in the state. If you reside in another state, you should contact our Manassas reckless driving attorneys to have someone on your side that fully understands Virginia code and has familiarity with the local courts. 

Can I fight a reckless driving ticket in Virginia?

You can fight a reckless driving ticket in Virginia by hiring a traffic lawyer to help build a strong defense and challenge the evidence against you.

Photo of Speeding Vehicles

How long will a reckless driving conviction stay on my record in Virginia?

If you are convicted of reckless driving in Virginia, it will remain on your record indefinitely. However, after a certain amount of time, it may be possible to petition the court for a restricted license or other relief. When you obtain legal representation in Prince William County, look for a reckless driving attorney with the experience required to come to your defense. 

Can a reckless driving conviction impact my employment?

A conviction of reckless driving can impact your employment, particularly if you work in a field that requires a clean driving record or security clearance. Consult with a reckless driving attorney in Prince William County to understand the potential consequences of a conviction.

Is it possible to have a reckless driving charge reduced to a non-criminal offense in Virginia?

Your attorney can negotiate a plea deal with the prosecutor to have a reckless driving charge reduced to a non-criminal offense such as improper driving. However, this will depend on the specific circumstances of the case and the prosecutor’s willingness to negotiate. 

While it is possible, you have a better chance of having the outcome you want by obtaining a solid defense from an attorney who understands Virginia code. Additionally, an attorney who is familiar with the local courts in Prince William County will have a rapport with the general district court and may be able to help you avoid spending time in jail.

It is important to realize that not all cases will have the outcome expected and that no lawyer can guarantee your freedom. However, you have a better chance of success when you choose attorneys who are familiar with the local law. Reach out to learn more about our reliable legal services. Contact a Manassas Reckless Driving Attorney at Law Offices of Michael A. Pignone today for a free consultation.