| Read Time: 4 minutes | DUI

How Much Is a DUI Fine in Virginia?

A DUI arrest in Virginia, even for a first offense DUI, carries significant penalties. You may understand that a DUI arrest could mean jail time. However, most people do not realize that a DUI fine in Virginia is one of the many costs you will have to pay if a court convicts you of a DUI offense.  How can...

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| Read Time: 5 minutes | DUI

License Suspension After DUI in Virginia?

Facing a DUI in Virginia can take a massive toll on your life. Not only do you face the possibility of going to jail and paying fines, but you may also wonder, “Is your license suspended immediately after a DUI in VA?” In most cases, an administrative suspension of your driver’s license occurs immediately after the arrest. This temporary...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | DUI

How Long Does a DUI Stay on Your Record in Virginia?

Virginia takes drunk driving very seriously, going as far as suspending a first-time offender’s driver’s license for an entire year. Even after you regain your license, a DWI conviction can significantly impact your day-to-day life for several years. Under Virginia law, a DUI is considered a criminal offense, and how long does a DUI stay on your record in...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | DUI

Can Police Drop DUI Charges?

In 2019, Virginia recorded 236 alcohol-impaired driving fatalities. These made up more than a quarter (28.4%) of all the state’s driving fatalities for the year. State legislators try to curb drunk driving by imposing strict penalties on convicted defendants. Additionally, Virginia imposes stricter penalties on repeat offenders. Still, a drunk driving arrest does not automatically result in a conviction....

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | DUI

Can a DUI Be Pleaded Down?

Every state treats drunk driving offenders differently. In Virginia, approximately 32% of all traffic fatalities in 2019 were alcohol-related. To reduce fatalities, Virginia imposes strict penalties on drivers convicted of operating their vehicles under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In some cases, this commitment to preventing intoxicated driving can result in overzealous law enforcement agents improperly charging innocent...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | DUI

Virginia DUI Laws

Drunk driving causes hundreds of fatalities on Virginia roadways each year. As a result, Virginia imposes strict penalties on those convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol. However, not everyone arrested for DUI is guilty. Law enforcement must comply with strict rules during DUI investigations. If they fail to do so, you could negotiate with...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | DUI

Is Possession of Xanax a Felony in Virginia?

Xanax is the name of a drug belonging to the benzodiazepine family. Benzos, as this class of drugs is often known, are powerful depressants. In addition to Xanax, other drugs in the benzodiazepine group include Valium, Ativan, Restoril, and Klonopin. Doctors prescribe these drugs to treat seizures. However, doctors also prescribe these medications to patients suffering from severe sleeplessness...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | DUI

How Long Does a DUI Arraignment Take?

If you’ve been arrested for DUI in Virginia, you should know what to expect when you go to court for your DUI arraignment. Your choices at arraignment shape how your case proceeds through the court system. Familiarizing yourself with the DUI arraignment process before you go to court will help you make the best decisions for yourself and your...

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| Read Time: 5 minutes | DUI

Can A First-Time DUI Be Dismissed?

Facing a DUI charge can be daunting, especially if you have no criminal record. You probably realize that keeping your record clean is important. Many people wonder, “Can a first offense DUI be dismissed?” or whether there is any chance of having their DUI case dismissed under Virginia law. When people ask us about what can happen with their...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Chemical Tests

Breath and Blood Testing for DUI Evidence

When Is a Breath or Blood Test Required? When a driver is suspected of DUI, it is standard for law enforcement to have breath or blood tests administered. When the law enforcement officer first pulled you over, they may have subjected you to a preliminary breath test. A handheld device is used to conduct such tests, and these handheld...

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