If you or a loved one are tangled up in a situation which has you facing criminal charges in Manassas, Virginia, developing an aggressive defense plan should be at the top of your current priorities list. Effective representation will be your strongest opportunity to achieve the best possible outcome in your case. The legal help our criminal defense law firm provides clients is exactly what you want on your side. We will work tirelessly to negotiate a favorable plea agreement with prosecutors, if that is determined to be your best course of action.
In recent years, Virginia crime rates have reported to be lesser than the national average but that does not mean penalties for criminal convictions are lower than average. Those charged in most criminal cases in Manassas continue to face harsh punishment. If you are concerned about the fate of your life after being charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense, only trust the best Manassas criminal defense lawyers to protect legal rights and your future. The initial consultation to evaluate facts of your arrest will be free of charge. Our northern Virginia clients come to us for unique insights into local and federal criminal law and we will do all we can to help you avoid jail time.
Types of Criminal Charges We Can Help With
Criminal cases are what our criminal defense attorneys know best. If you are facing criminal charges in Manassas, VA, it is an overwhelming experience to stand up to the prosecutor and a jury on your own. Let our Manassas criminal defense lawyers be there for you in your time of need.
Our former prosecutor office experience allows us to understand how to represent clients and protect their constitutional rights in the state of Virginia. If you are going up against the following types of charges, contact our Manassas law group today to get the best possible outcome in your criminal case.
Driving Under The Influence (DUI)
Drinking and driving or otherwise being under the influence behind the wheel can come with serious consequences in Manassas, VA. In Manassas criminal court, it is best to have a criminal lawyer who can scrutinize all aspects of your criminal case from how the law enforcement officer conducted the traffic stop to the results of your breath or blood alcohol analysis.
Remember that you have the right to remain silent. Then choose a Virginia attorney from our Manassas law group to stand up for your rights in court.
Drug Offenses
Many drug offenses are misdemeanors, though many more wind up being charged as felonies. A law enforcement officer may try to tack on other charges beyond drug possession. Without criminal attorneys representing your legal rights, you may think you need to make a guilty plea even if you didnโt do anything wrong.
There are serious consequences for these types of crimes in Prince William County. While we cannot promise the outcome of any case, we will work to get charges dropped or reduced when you are in the Manassas criminal court system for drug charges. When you have charges involving drugs, do not wait to seek counsel from our attorneys.
Traffic Violations
For most moving violations, you may only need to deal with the court on an administrative level. However, there are times when a traffic ticket can turn into a much more serious issue that can be charged as misdemeanors or even a felony. You may be accused of drinking and driving or having drugs in your vehicle.
When traffic violations become something more, the need for a lawyer becomes urgent. You do not want to go to court without the legal representation you need in a court of criminal law. Our VA attorneys will analyze the factors of your case and determine the best course of action to fight the legal consequences. We will work to get charges dropped or seek a variety of alcohol education opportunities that can be considered as time served to minimize the impacts on your future and your freedom.
Violent Crimes
As the defendant in a case that involves violent crime, it is most likely that you will be facing felony charges. Assault with a deadly weapon, rape, murder, and robbery are charged as felonies under Virginia criminal law.
We will discuss the aspects of your case and determine how to move forward. You may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time or may not have had the kind of involvement that the prosecution claims. We will fight to get the best results that we can by working to get your charges completely dropped, negotiating your plea bargain, or getting the court to determine that you are not guilty.
Let a lawyer from our Virginia firm take over to ensure your trial is fair and just, and that you reduce the likelihood of your reputation getting tarnished from these events.
In Prince William County, trying to defend yourself against charges of assault is not recommended. The state of Virginia is tough on these types of crimes; however, our attorneys are even tougher and know the process. The key is in understanding how the prosecution works so you can challenge them and avoid a guilty verdict.
Our experience in representing clients that face assault makes us the lawyers of choice for Virginia residents in these circumstances. The prosecution will always work towards proving that you are guilty. Our lawyers work to prove your innocence and they have a full understanding of criminal law to use the statutes and case precedents to avoid a guilty plea. Contact us today to discuss your legal situation with an attorney from our law firm.
Sex Crimes
All it takes is one accusation of a sex crime to tarnish your reputation and ruin your future. Virginia criminal law is very harsh on offenders of sexual assault, rape, indecent exposure, and other crimes of this nature.
It is vital that you have a lawyer that can help you fight these allegations. Whether you are fully innocent and did not commit the acts you are being charged with or there have been major errors made in the handling of your case by the police, our attorneys will make sure your legal rights are upheld.
No matter what type of charge you face under criminal law, you will be scrutinized and your livelihood and freedom will be at stake. You may have built a reputation in your professional career that could be completely undone by the accusations against you. This is not the time to wait as every second is vital when it comes to cases like this.
Rest assured that our legal team will take prompt action and work for the best resolution of your legal matter. With an attorney that understands all aspects of criminal law, you will have the chance to stand up to the prosecution and clear your name. We will determine the best course of action against misdemeanors and felonies, offering solid legal guidance on whether or not to take a plea or fight for your innocence.
The laws in this state can be particularly harsh on convicted offenders. Before you do anything, contact an attorney from our law offices to get the guidance you need and set the record straight.
Speak With Our Criminal Defense Lawyer Before You Plea
It is important you realize that you must have your case evaluated by knowledgeable criminal defense attorneys before you offer a plea of any kind whether it be to local or federal courts in northern Virginia. Navigating through criminal proceedings can be complex and challenging, making it crucial to seek expert legal advice. If you were to go ahead and plead guilty prior to the fair trial process, you would be giving up many of your constitutional rights regarding this situation. These include not only your right to an attorney but also the right to appeal for a more favorable outcome. We are a reputable Manassas criminal defense firm ready to offer unique insight to those accused of many crimes including, but not limited to domestic violence, DUI, serious traffic violations, reckless driving, sex crimes, assault. Do not leave your life in the hands of a prosecutor who will seek to punish you severely with criminal conviction and jail time. Let our super lawyers give you the legal help you need.
Once a criminal conviction is on your record, your whole life changes. Being accused of a serious crime is just the beginning. The best way to avoid your charges leading to a permanent criminal record is to hire our Manasses area lawyers to develop an aggressive defense on your behalf. Once you see how our understanding of the law benefits you in the end, you will be very glad you chose our practice to protect your rights.
Your Best DUI Defense
When police arrest you for DUI or other related criminal matters in northern Virginia, state and local prosecutors seek to punish to the furthest extent of the law. One or multiple DUI or reckless driving convictions on your criminal record would make life very complicated moving forward. When the law is not in your favor regarding such a situation, leave it in the hands of the experienced Manassas criminal defense lawyers at our firm to navigate problems arising during your trial. DUI criminal cases are scary to face alone so you should always have a good attorney by your side to protect your best interests.
Navigating the criminal justice system during a DUI case is crucial to ensure fair treatment and protect your rights. A criminal record showing conviction of DUI in the Manassas area would affect your life immensely for years to come. It will make it challenging for you to find better jobs. Your car insurance premiums will rise considerably. Beyond these troubles, without a wise and experienced criminal defense attorney representing ways in which the law protects your rights, you risk heavy fines and time in prison or jail. Many clients have trusted our firm to handle these challenging problems. Please be sure to contact us today for your free case evaluation.
Multiple and Severe DUI Conviction Considerations
Most of the time, a DUI arrest will not result in a felony charge under typical circumstances. However, several factors involved could change how prosecutors seek conviction. If another person was seriously injured or loss of life occurred while you were behind the wheel in a DUI accident, the most severe punishment will be on the table. In this case, your only opportunity for negotiating penalties will be to have the support of a powerful defense strategy. When you hire a criminal lawyer at our firm, we will take the time and effort required to find the best options to help you get through these challenges.
Charges in severe DUI cases oftentimes means a felony conviction in the end, but this is not always a guaranteed outcome. One instance of this severe conviction being possible is following a third consecutive DUI conviction within ten years. Many details must be considered such as eyewitness testimonies. How dependable are the witness reports? Sometimes details regarding the precise process law enforcement used upon arrest and during their investigation can provide information regarding options for lesser sentencing. These are all pieces of information you cannot investigate on your own. You will need a strategic criminal defense attorney to help put this puzzle together and present it to the court system.
How A Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help With Your Domestic Violence Case
When you have been charged with a domestic violence crime in Manassas, the road ahead can seem daunting and almost impossible to face. This is when our firm is ready to show clients the way forward with a strong and well thought out criminal defense strategy. Our experienced criminal attorneys specialize in handling domestic violence cases, providing the expertise needed to navigate the complex court system and work towards avoiding criminal convictions. There are many details to consider anytime someone has been suspected of committing murder or a violent crime. You deserve unique insight to your criminal defense cases to help lessen what prosecutors typically ask for in penalties. If this is your situation, we have the right Manassas criminal defense lawyer here at our firm to help, not judge what you have been accused of. Complete our online Free Case Review form today for one of our lawyers to evaluate your case.
Upon accusation, many times a thorough investigation needs to be further sought in order for trial to be just and fair for the defendant and all involved. It can be challenging to feel confident that courts and judges will consider what is fair to the accused who is being charged. However, it is important to remember that this is true. The law seeks justice and that includes the right to defend yourself against attacks on your character. Only once a knowledgeable attorney knows all the facts of your situation can you be sure to have a fair day in court. After youโve been fairly represented, the outcome and likelihood of a reasonable verdict becomes significantly more probable.
Why Hire Us As Your Criminal Defense Attorney
We are a law firm of confident super lawyers here in the Manassas area and ready to support clients who have been accused of committing crime. The Irving Law Firm brings extensive experience and expertise to every case, ensuring the best possible defense for our clients. If this is what you or your loved one are currently dealing with, let us show you how a criminal defense attorney can help clients like you achieve the best possible results following arrest. The law may work more in your favor than you realize once the details are all laid out and examined. We believe all have the right to so please reach out today for an initial consultation to see how the Law Offices of Michael A. Pignone can help.
When you have been charged with a domestic violence crime in Manassas, the road ahead can seem daunting and almost impossible to face. This is when our firm is ready to show clients the way forward with a strong and well thought out criminal defense strategy. There are many details to consider anytime someone has been suspected of committing a violent crime. You deserve unique insight to help lessen what prosecutors typically ask for in penalties. If this is your situation, we have the right Manassas criminal defense lawyer here at our firm to help, not judge what you have been accused of. Complete our online Free Case Review form today for one of our lawyers to evaluate your case.
Upon accusation, many times a thorough investigation needs to be further sought in order for trial to be just and fair for all involved. It can be challenging to feel confident that courts and judges will consider what is fair to the accused who is being charged. However, it is important to remember that this is true. The law seeks justice and that includes the right to defend yourself against attacks on your character. Only once a knowledgeable attorney knows all the facts of your situation can you be sure to have a fair day in court. After youโve been fairly represented, the outcome and likelihood of a reasonable verdict becomes significantly more probable.